Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How iPhone applications can help your business

Who doesn't have or know about an iPhone nowadays? It seems Apple has its own Internet niche and platform, especially with the popularity and dominance of the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch (not to mention the iPad that was released this month). The web experience on an iPhone is quite different than any other mobile device with web browsing capabilities. It seems that iPhone-based mobile websites have a different feel compared to other wireless websites- They look, feel, and are experienced differently.

Because of this superiority in how a mobile website can be experienced using an iPhone or iPod, Apple iPhone application development is extremely popular to corporations and businesses alike. the Apple iTunes store has become dominant as compared to other Internet giants, namely Google, Blackberry, and Microsoft. People are more likely to spend money on an iPhone app than to use a free wireless application offered by other service providers. This exudes Apple's dominance, and therefore businesses need to understand this and develop an iPhone application for their products or websites aside from any other mobile initiatives. It seems have a "Apple" plan of action is an area now that is completely independent from all other online initiatives. This is powerful stuff.

As a business owner myself, and an iPhone app developer too, reliance on Apple's web audience is both important and essential to success and long term planning. Everyone expects Apple App development to continue to grow, so a business that relies on e-commerce of Internet exposure as an arm to their growth needs to implement an iPhone app initiative to remain ahead and competitive in their market. But, what kind of iPhone app should you develop? This intriguing question can result in either spending a few thousand dollars, to upwards of $50K+ in development.

Realizing what you want your iPhone website to do is important. Its it what you want the app to do that matters. There are two main distinctions in development:

1) Do you want it to be an extension of your web content.


2) Do you want your iPhone app to accomplish a task or function with your customers? For example, sell, execute a task, or store data.

Such a distinction is important both financially and strategically. Some retailers do not have the capability to sell on mobile devices, so, rather then develop an iPhone app with that capability, it will not be feasible in the foreseeable future. Therefore, developing an iPhone app that triggers web traffic and promotes products is just as valuable and important. But, for those companies that do have the ability to afford mobile sales and iPhone database development and execution, being realistic in expectations and studying competitors is also crucial.

Remember, iPhone app development is exciting but it has its limitations. Many developers are frustrated that Apple only gives limited code access and manipulation, therefore limitations exist. Also, once you develop your app, getting it on the App store requires much work and PR initiatives, as well as rules and guidelines.

For more information on app development and marketing, my company would be glad to be of service. You can write me at with your specific questions or call me directly to discuss your project ideas. Apple is now important to business strategy on the web, how will you apply it to yours?

Take care and until next time!